Transition to a way of eating that is

kinder to animals,

better for the future of a liveable planet,

and healthier for you!

Join the

Once a week Vegan Cooking Club!

Join me (virtually) in my vegan kitchen and we will cook together once a week!

What is the "Once a Week Vegan Cooking Club"?

I've created this club to help people take small, consistent steps towards plant-based eating.

Each week we will meet, live online, to prepare a

plant-based meal together.

I will answer your cooking and vegan nutrition questions along the way!

You will gradually learn to prepare healthy and delicious plant-based meals while building up a collection of favourite plant-based recipes and formulas!

Meet Your Vegan Cooking Coach

Hi! My name is Edie.

I am a vegan registered dietitian with 30+ years of experience in teaching plant-based cooking skills and nutrition coaching.

I love helping people move towards a compassionate, more environmentally friendly and healthy eating pattern.

My husband, Mike, dog, Clair and I live on the east coast of Canada. Our sons are grown and flown so we are adjusting to this new stage of life!

We love cooking together, hiking along the rugged coast with Clair, swimming in the ocean and socializing with friends and family over delicious plant-based meals!

How does the "Once a Week Vegan Cooking Club" work?

Every month you will receive a printable booklet including the recipes for each session, the grocery lists, equipment list and instructions to prepare for the session.

At the time of the cooking session, you will log onto Zoom with the link that you were provided and we start to cook!

Each cooking club session is approximately one hour.

If you plan to cook along with me, you will pick up the ingredients needed and do some food prep work to be ready to go!
You can also decide to just watch the demo and join in the conversation. : )

If you can’t attend, there will be a video recording of the class in the private Facebook group.

This recording will also be sent to you via email.

What is Included?

Weekly live cooking sessions with a Vegan Culinary Dietitian.

Demonstrations on how to prepare plant proteins such as beans, lentils, tofu and tempeh.

Formulas for meals such as soups, stews, and stir fry so that you can cook without a recipe.

Printable package with recipes, ingredient and equipment list required for month's sessions.

Access to our exclusive facebook group.

Q and A About vegan nutrition based on current scientific evidence.

Video recordings of sessions will be emailed and posted in private facebook group.

BONUS: Printable meal planner and grocery list worksheets for your own meal planning.

BONUS: Printable plant-based Healthy Plate diagram to help you easily balance meals.

Bonus #1

Bonus #2


Just over a year ago I asked Edie for guidance after a blood test revealed that my blood glucose levels were elevated. I wanted to address it before it got serious.

Edie has helped me incorporate various aspects of whole foods plant based eating and the healthy plate method into my easy-going habits of how I keep myself fed and happy. : )

I was enthusiastic and curious to try Edie's ideas. Delicious food is very important to me and I have been loving the plant based recipes that she provided!

I also noticed that my energy levels at the start of a new day have improved.

With the increase in fiber and protein, my appetite is so satisfied after a tasty, healthy meal.

Working in the field of conservation biology, the desire to research and contribute to a better environment and make a positive impact on the planet has always lived strong in my heart. Incorporating aspects of Edie's suggestions meshes easily with values already important to me. : )

Weight loss was not a primary goal for me, but without consciously trying, I have lost weight with these diet changes. The weight loss will help to lower my blood glucose levels also. : )

Thank you Edie, truly. You are a great friend, and an experienced and thoughtful dietitian and I'm very grateful for your help and guidance : )


Jennifer M. Client

Edie's vegan program has a solid step by step approach for making the transition to a healthy vegan eating pattern.

It is full of straightforward, evidence backed nutrition information and reliable advice for meeting your nutrient needs.

The wonderful recipes make the transition fun and delicious.

I highly recommend her vegan program and her Once a Month Vegan Cooking Club!

Sarah K., Dietitian

Four years ago I was influenced by Edie to consider transitioning to a vegan eating pattern for the animals, for ethical reasons.

As a dietitian, I delved into reading books and awakened to the overwhelming evidence of the amazing health benefits of a plant based diet

I was so excited about this and became100% plant based.

The evidence was so clear that I started sharing it with my clients who had great success when they switched to plant based eating.

You will see me working with Edie in some of the videos in her program the Vegan for Life Method because of my belief in her and this wonderful program.

This program and plant based eating will improve your health and help you become a part of the movement towards a more compassionate and sustainable world for all.

I'm excited to learn some new recipes and cook along with Edie in the Once a Week Vegan Cooking Club!

Kristen G. Dietitian

$27 $17 CAD/MONTH

Monthly fee is $17 / month for founding members and is a limited time offer!


Do I already need to be vegan to join this cooking club?

Absolutely not!

Even if you just want to start eating more plants and explore the health benefits of plant-based eating, you will benefit from this cooking club!

If you are curious about becoming vegan, this is a great way to try it out one meal at a time!

If you are a new vegan, you will expand your culinary skills, recipe collection and plant-based nutrition knowledge.

If you are already vegan, you will benefit from the accountability of a cooking club, the plant-based nutrition information, new recipes and camaraderie.

Will I learn about vegan / plant-based nutrition?

Yes you will!

As a Registered Dietitian, I keep up to date on the topic of vegan / plant-based nutrition.

During each cooking club session, I will introduce a nutrition topic and will do my best to answer all of your questions about plant-based nutrition.
If I do not have the answer during the session, I will make sure to find the most current, reliable answer for you after the session.

Will I learn how to prepare an entire vegan meal every week?

Yes! There will be one main recipe but if it is not a completely balanced meal with grains, protein and lots of veggies, we will make sure to include a dish to balance it off.

What if the time does not work for me?

Every session will be recorded and emailed to all members. It will also be posted in our private Facebook group.

As the group grows and people from various time zones join, we will host additional times for live sessions.

What if I can't cook?

No worries! With practice and guidance you will improve your cooking skills.

You will be walked through the recipes, step by step, and given tips and encouragement along the way!

And the recipes chosen are not tedious or complicated, so that you will be able to replicate them on your own.

What if I live alone? Will the meals provide too much food for one person?

The recipe amounts can be adapted to serve your needs.
My husband, Mike and I are empty nesters, so most of the recipes are not in large amounts, but I do make a point of making enough for at least 4 servings so that we have enough for leftovers for lunch or another meal.

Many meals will be suited to being frozen and storage will be discussed.

Will I need special equipment to cook these recipes?

The recipes will require basic cooking utensils and appliances.

A list of equipment needed / recommended will be sent out in the monthly package

We can discuss using pressure cookers and air fryers, but they are not required.

What if I don't like the cooking sessions?

I don't want any unhappy members!

If you are not enjoying the sessions, you can cancel your membership at anytime by emailing:

Membership can be cancelled at anytime

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